Acrylic Flow Artist.

Adrienne Frost

Green dragon tile octagonal tile 28.00

Red dragon tile : 25.00 appox 8 inch wide

The mystical fish tile rectagular appox 9 inches 35.00

Japanese mountain peak rectangular tile 35.00

The mermaid’s tail , tile rectangular appox 9 inches 30.00

The mythical toad and lotus octagonal tile 35.00 appox 9 inches

Red dragon octagonal tile 25.00

Close up of mystical fish

Dancing color, octagonal tile 35.00 appox 9 inches

Dragon with flower / octagonal tile 35.00 appox 9 inches

Acrylic on Canvas

It all began as a way to escape depression and turned into a new path in my life. The studio is where I lose the outside world and turn inward to a world of color and flowing thought.

The forest of color on 9 x 24 inch canvas


all custom color , coated in high quality resin for a stunning effect

The fire rainbow, original dancing flame of color

on 12 x 24 inch canvas sealed with high quality liquitex varnish /Archival Quality


Accepting Commissions on a limited basis


For custom paintings, or any questions you can contact me here: 
(727) 280-3265